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Considering the climate of our society, one which unfortunately is growing rather disinterested in Christ and His Church, it is becoming more and more common for folks to call upon the Church and her pastors only as it suits them. This is especially true when it comes to Baptism and the holy estate of Marriage.


Initially, it is good to be reminded that while one is a Sacramental act (Baptism) and the other is not (Marriage), both are gifts from a loving Savior, and both are administered according to the Biblical mandates establishing them.


In the case of Baptism, the mandate is two-fold. Christ declares in Matthew 28:19-20 that Baptism is comprised of both the actual baptism and the teaching that either precedes (adults) or follows (children).


In the case of Baptism, with regard to infants and young children, if the intent on the part of the parents is merely to baptize but not to raise the child in the faith as Christ instructs, then there is much for the parents to consider and of which to become convinced before the pastor may rightly and faithfully administer the Sacrament.


In the same sense, there is much to be considered with regard to Marriage, namely, Christian Marriage. For the pastor to be called upon, it first requires that at least one of the requesting persons be a member of Salem National Evangelical Lutheran Church in Westland, Michigan, and be in full agreement with the doctrines of the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod believed, taught, and confessed at Salem’s altar.


Second, it would be expected that a regular life of faith will have been observed of this member. If this is not the case, then a commitment to such would be required. 


It is certainly understood that many times the children of faithful families of the congregation follow careers and move away while still retaining a relationship with their home congregation. We understand and rejoice in this Godly bond, and so it is left to our pastor to communicate with the current pastor of the one making the request regarding pre-marital coursework, ceremony participation, and/or facility usage so that all is accomplished in decency and good order. 


“Baptisms and Marriages.” OurSaviorHartland,

Accessed 20 Mar. 2017.

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