A Confessional, Liturgical Congregation of the Lutheran Church – Missouri Synod
Adult Choir
If God has given you the gift of a voice for singing, we encourage you to use it to glorify God and to aid our congregation's worship. The choir (ninth grade and older) meet September thru May after fellowship on Sundays.
Men's Brotherhood
The Salem Men's Brotherhood consists of all confirmed men of the congregation who wish to nurture the church and themselves in order to grow and serve the Lord. We have regular meetings, fellowship and Brotherhood gatherings as well as organized Church events, clean ups, spring cleaning and Church projects. We work hand in hand with the Women's Guild in order to ensure our members, their families and those in need are cared for.
Prayer is a multifaceted gift from God. Prayer can change lives, bring miracles, give comfort, lead you, allow you to thank God for answered prayers and keep you connected to him. Together we can and will make a difference.
Prayer Chain
Adult Bible Class
All are welcome as we mark, learn and inwardly digest the Word of the Lord.
Women's Guild
The Mission of the Women's Guild is to help each woman of our Church, affirm her relationship to the triune God so that she is enabled to use her gifts in ministry to others. Join us for worship, Bible studies, or fellowship to find other ways to get involved.
The various ministries at Salem exist to strengthen and enrich the body of Christ, reach out to the community, provide much-needed services, and allow individuals to serve according to their God-given abilities.